During the early 1980s, Andrew Lloyd Webber produced a series of concept musicals, each with its own twist. Yet, the diverse shows had aspects in common; for instance, they all had somewhat simple plots. Moreover, they emphasized visual appeal in various ways, with dance playing an important role in all three. In the late 1980s and afterward, however, dance in Lloyd Webber's shows took a back seat, while the storylines became complex and increasingly adult. In the summer of 1986, Lloyd Webber and Rice had reunited briefly to create Cricket, their tribute to the Queen's sixtieth birthday. Lloyd Webber's The Beautiful Game lasted a year in London after opening in September 2000. The show centered on footballers in Northern Ireland struggling to play their sport against the backdrop of the "Troubles", the political upheavals of the late 1960s. Like Rodgers and Hammerstein, Lloyd Webber has moved, quite actively, into the realm of producing shows.