In the course of a minor dispute over his car’s paperwork, a bushfaller on a visit to Cameroon got shot dead by the police. Delphine and her friends discussed this incident, which they had heard about on the radio. ‘A real bushfaller! They shot a real bushfaller! Not even a normal man like me, but a real bushfaller!’ The surprise and shock of Delphine and her friends was not about the abuse of police power but about the consequences of the death of a bushfaller for his family. A  bushfaller’s life is worth more than that of ‘normal’ people. The expectations and hopes of the whole family are projected onto the family member who is in bush. Family responsibilities are carried on the shoulders of bushfallers. They can change the fate and future of an entire family. So, what happens if a migrant is deported back to his or her home country?