This chapter assesses the current usefulness of information technology (IT) tools and techniques in audits. It also compares IT-based and manual techniques for audit tasks and assesses the effects of auditors' use of IT tools and techniques on audit tasks, the audit profession, the auditor as well as the organisations auditors work for. The chapter highlights the numerous benefits derivable from auditors' use of IT tools and techniques as well as their drawbacks while advocating a balanced use of both manual and automated audit techniques depending on the nature of the task involved. It explores the implications of auditors' use of IT tools and techniques on audit efficiency in terms of economic costs and benefits, audit effectiveness relating to the quality of audit output, audit evidence and joint audits. The chapter also put forward the thesis that audit automation could impact on both auditor independence and Audit Expectations-Performance Gap (AEG) either positively or negatively contingent upon certain variables and perspectives.