What if we apply the behavior space template (Figure 1.1.4) to the design of an organization? First let’s look at how organizations are designed today. Most businesses organize themselves around a product or a service. Imagine an entrepreneur and his invention. To bring it to market he/she needs capital and to secure the capital he or she will produce a business plan. The plan identifies business milestones, as well as the support structure that will bring about the flawless execution of the tasks. The structure is often a template; in other words the structure of the organization is predicated upon what the investors are looking for in a business plan and not what the invention needs to succeed. This is design from the outside in. The invention on one end, the organization at the other, with no connection in between, as each of the titles on the business plan is more or less a convention, rather than a necessity. And the people populating the corporate tree have no connection with the object of the invention. They did not generate it, and have no intellectual or emotional connection with it. The object is the passion of a single individual, the inventor. The others are connected with it from the outside in.