This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book reviews by assuming the figures such as Charles de Gaulle do matter and should be studied in some capacity. It exposes background in international relations (IR) where individuals are seldom studied. As a scholar of the relatively minor sub-discipline of IR that is 'foreign policy analysis' (FPA), where individuals are one of the central points of focus or 'levels of analysis'. The book provides an overview of de Gaulle's life, is far closer to diplomatic history and political philosophy than biography. It describes that the employment of predominantly English versions of de Gaulle and Sartre's works makes the book more accessible to scholars who do not read in French, that it helps to dispel some of the more negative images regarding de Gaulle in the Anglo-American world, and that it helps to 'export' his 'second life' as it were.