These things having happened as has been related, Almagro said to the Provincial Bobadilla that, as he had placed such important business in his hands, he asked of him that, without showing any partiality, he would prove himself to be so straight and such a friend of truth and justice that His Majesty, when he knows what has been done, would consider himself to have been so served that he can approve and confirm it. The Provincial replied that, knowing the desire of the Adelantado that things should end well and dissensions be avoided, he felt obliged to pray God fervently that he may be given such grace that, through his means, both sides would be satisfied And peace established. and that, should he undertake the investigation of the affair, no partiality or interest whatever would suffice to move him one point from the truth. The Adelantado rejoiced to find him with such intentions, and at once ordered him and the factor to prepare for their return journey to the City of the Kings, urging them to give effect to and conclude the business. With a view to give himself more justification and further to convince the Governor, he approved the nomination of the mediators Don Alonzo Enriquez de Guzman and the Alcalde diego nunez that, jointly with diego de alvarado, and a third mediator named by the governor Don Francisco Pizarro, in addition to those already selected, they might make the partition in the way 126already arranged and, if necessary, he again named and appointed them as such mediators and assessors. This declaration was made by the Adelantado before Francisco Arias. He added that if the Governor did not wish to have three mediators on each side there should be two, for whose appointment he had already given sufficient powers. All these proposals were made by the Adelantado so that, in case the Governor did not approve of the Provincial Bobadilla being sole judge, the mediators on both sides being named they might at once proceed with their duties. Rodrigo Orgoñez was far from being satisfied at the Adelantado nominating the Provincial to be sole judge, for he declared that Pizarro would suborn and allure the Provincial to give the sentence in his favour. Almagro told him that he ought not to entertain such suspicions of a religious and learned man, who was well acquainted with the disputes between himself and the Governor, and he at once ordered his secretary Sosa to write to the Governor in reply to his letters, and he also caused very gracious letters to be written to the other captains who were in Lima offering to do all he could for them as excellent friends and old comrades, should matters come to a satisfactory conclusion, and as they were gentlemen he knew they would be faithful to the Governor in advising what they knew to be just and would tend towards peace and friendship among them all.