I have already written in the earlier books about the departure of Rui Diaz for the place where the Inca was stationed and how the Inca detained him and would not allow him to return to the Christians, on the contrary he ordered guards to be placed over him, who were to take every precaution to see that he did not escape. The Inca constantly sent messengers and letters in which he told the Adelantado that if he would kill the Christians who were in Cuzco he might feel certain that he would look upon him as his father, and would obey him like an obedient son; otherwise, the Adelantado should not imagine that he was foolish enough to place himself in his hands until he had seen with his own eyes that no treachery 14was intended, and that he would do what he had sent to tell him, and that he was setting out at once for Yucay where all might be settled.