The Governor Pizarro, his captains and men, slept that night on the lofty wilds of Huaytara, well provided with snow and cold. Seeing that he could not overtake the Adelantado, the Governor decided not to go further, being without service, tents or any other appliances for rest. He determined to return to the valley of Yca where they would decide upon their future plans. Hernando Pizarro, Alonzo de Alvarado, and the other captains agreed; but to see whether Almagro was still near, the captain Diego de Agüero was sent, with twenty horsemen, to reconnoitre. Diego de Agüero did so. Certainly if the advice of Vasco de Guevara and Sotelo had been taken, and Pizarro had been attacked that night, he would have been routed without much loss. Diego de Agüero went towards the camp of Almagro. Great care had been taken in the disposal of sentries and look-out men, and as Agüero advanced with his men in good order, he was seen by the men of Chile, and Orgoñez had an ambush prepared in hopes of capturing some of the enemy, while his whole force was armed and ready for battle. Agüero was surprised in the ambush, and two of his men, Tomás Vásquez and Antonio de Orihuela, were captured.