DURING the time that the Marquis Don Francisco Pizarro was absent from the city of Los Reyes, the natives not being.yet quite subdued, nor having given up the hope of regaining their ancient liberty by killing the Spaniards, two principal citizens of Lima, named Francisco 50de Vargas (a native of Campos) and Sebastián de Torres, who held an encomienda in the province of Guaraz, being at Guaylas, with some others, were killed by the Indians. When this was known at Lima, captain Francisco de Chaves 1 [the good] went to punish the Indians, with the approval of the municipality and judicial authorities, taking a sufficient force of horse and foot. They laid waste the fields and villages of the natives, because they were found up in arms. The war made by the Spaniards was so cruel that the Indians, fearing lest they should all be killed, prayed for peace. This was granted by the captain Francisco de Chaves, who thought he had done harm enough. The war being ended he returned to Lima.