IAM weary of trying to comprehend the events which happened in the Realm at this time, because it was proper to narrate what passed in Lima, and the steps taken by Vaca de Castro. God is my witness to the vigils I have kept and the little ease I have enjoyed. I only want one reward, and that is that the reader will look upon me as a friend, and bear in mind the many journeys I have made to investigate the notable events in these Realms.’ And as the labour of composing these writings is so great, I am already tired and sincerely wish to get to the end of it. But there! we must return to our story. Pero Alvarez Holguin had come with a commission from the Marquis to invade the country of the Chunchos from which Pero 131Anzures had returned unsuccessful. Some say that, before he started from Lima, he had spoken to the men of Chile and advised them to kill the Marquis and avenge the death of Don Diego de Almagro the elder, and that, when he arrived at Cuzco, several people heard him say that the Marquis was going to be killed. This is not known for certain, being merely what was rumoured. I do not believe that Holguin stated anything like that. But they say that he did not seem to go off very well pleased with the Marquis.