AFTER the Governor Vaca de Castro arrived in Lima, and was welcomed and acknowledged as related in the preceding chapter, he was informed by the factor Ilian Suárez, his brother the licentiate, and Francisco de Godoy, of all the events that had happened there. He put before them and the other officials and magistrates how the captains Alonso de Alvarado and Pero Alvarez Holguin had collected a brilliant array of troops, all desirous of serving His Majesty, and determined not to rest until the tyranny of Don Diego should be put down. He found in them all a true and earnest readiness to do the same. In Lima he also found Gómez de Alvarado, 1 brother of the Adelantado Don Pedro, with whom he was much pleased. Exertions were made to raise money, and to collect men 236to augment his force. They were called up at the sound of the drum, and when they had all been mustered, Gómez de Alvarado was made captain of the mounted men, and Juan Vélez de Guevara of those on foot. At this time Alonso de Alvarado and Pero Alvarez, with Garcilaso and the rest, had gone forward from Guaraz and marched by stages until they arrived in the province of Jauja, where they found Diego de Rojas. They ordered him to advance to the city of Guamanga 1 and make a fort there, where he was to wait until the rest of the division should arrive, pending the receipt of news of what Don Diego was doing, and whether he had departed from Cuzco.