This chapter focuses on most significant impacts of business such as faster, better and cheaper. Commoditization makes products and services cheaper, but it is no longer just about price, as we also expect them to be better and faster too. First margin, then brand and finally market position the erosive power of commoditization. Behind the steering wheel big not small. In a commoditized world, the future belongs to those that are able to maintain their margins despite the increasing price pressures. Mirroring Wal-Mart and passing the commoditization buck. The power of companies such as Wal-Mart is not lost on other businesses and many are mimicking their approaches to customer management, front and back office processes and general working practices. The doughnut principle and the hollowing out of organizations. The stark choice of transform or die. The Internet, integrated supply chains and globalization all help to connect organizations together in a complex web of business activity.