As cyber technology evolves, the number of tools available for launching cyber attacks also increases. Countermeasures have had to become increasingly sophisticated. A serial technology entrepreneur, Richard Harris has a track record as a C-level executive, building and transforming early-stage technology companies. A computer network is simply a collection of computers or similar devices that are connected to each other by some kind of communications link. Penetrations, or 'hacking' attacks, are access techniques and the manner, in which they are then exploited, for example via lateral movement, can vary widely. 'Script Kiddie' is a pejorative phrase describing supposedly young and less-skilled persons who utilise programs created by expert hackers to attack computer systems and websites. Man-in-the-browser attack techniques have been reported since 2005 and are considered an important risk for online banking services. The term 'brute force attack' refers to attempts to obtain logon credentials by guessing usernames and passwords.