This chapter examines the mill management practices of five episcopal houses under the jurisdiction of three bishops and two archbishops. The estates covered include those of Canterbury, Chichester, Durham and Hereford Cathedral Priories, and the dignity of an archiepiscopal prebendary, the treasury of the minster church of St Peter's, York. Both Chichester and St Peter's York were former minster churches, and all were established before or soon after the Conquest. In chronological order from their dates of establishment, the five houses were held by the archbishops of Canterbury and York, and the bishops of Hereford, Durham and Chichester. The chapter provides an overview of each episcopal house's foundation, location, wealth and holdings. It examines how its milling activities fit into the broader picture of its estate management practices. The church of Canterbury was founded by St Augustine in 598, marking the arrival of Latin Christianity in England.