Captain Edward Fenton is chiefly remembered as commander of a notoriously futile and ill-executed expedition to the South Atlantic in 1582-83. When Fenton's own journal of the voyage at last found an editor, it would be given a title which enduringly associates Fenton with troublesome. A more substantial collection of Fenton's papers was given by Evelyn to Pepys on 6 December 1681, by way of substitute for the Drake journal which Pepys actually wanted. These pieces further illustrate the long-term service which Hawkins performed as Treasurer, as he gathered together papers dating back eleven years. In addition to the 2,435 4s allowed for Hawkins's expedition, the warrant provided 3,033 10s for Sir Robert Constable, Lieutenant of the Ordnance, to furnish the new ships with brass ordnance, part of this was to be had from various coastal forts, and new iron ordnance was to be sent to the forts instead.