This chapter discusses Rudolf Steiner's socio-economic analysis and Philip Bobbitt's concept of market state terrorism. Steiner's analysis was lost to view as part of the seemingly wholesale discarding by western economics of anything that hailed from Central Europe. Steiner's wider social conception demonstrates navety or a feigning of ignorance not to recognise that the global financial crisis raises the question of global economic governance. When devising international accounting standards the Anglo-Saxon mindset is embodied usually. Steiner's basic premise is that by the time the twentieth century dawned, economic evolution had arrived at the stage of a single, closed economic domain in terms of which neither the way we act nor the way we think can be explained, understood or even predicated on atomistic thinking. Local economies are defined by the currency that belongs to them and that in reality identifies their boundaries. National economies likewise come into being when local economies elect or are required to use the same currency.