Gaja Baku. His courageous deed in Malabar. Mana Raja. Hamatissa Raja. Coeda Raja. Venetissa Raja. Ambaheraman Raja. Sirina Raja. Vierdoe Raja. Sangatissa Raja. Sirisanga Rodi Raja. His agreement with the devil. Lemini Goloe. Amba Raja. Courageous action of Sirisanga Bodi Raja. His decapitated head speaks. Guwelaguwem Dettatissa. Malasen Raja. Guitsiri-menaon Raja. Deva Tissa Raja. Rajas Raja. Upatissa Manam Raja. Senam Raja. Leminitissa Raja. Visenan Caralsoo Raja. Seven Malabar Princes. Dacem Goelia Raja. Comara Dahai Raja. Lemini Patissa Raja. Amlam Heranam Raja. Dajoelsen Raja. Dalam Ajali Raja. Cadda Ginitsirmenam Raja. Senneni Raja. Melisinganam Salaniana Roo. Acbora Raja. Acboraja. Dos Raja. Ariacsa Chaccaravarti Raja tries fir the crown. Though only King of Jaffanapatnam. Boewanaca Baku Raja, King in Degampola. Flight to Reygam. The King of J aff-anapamam put to rout. But the Cingalese will not recognise Boewanaca any more. Ruccule Pracaram Bahu Raja. Defeats the army of the King of Canara. A Prince in the highlands deserts the Emperor. But is defeated. Emperor's power increases. The King ofJaffan.apa.tnam defeated and another put in his place. Laurens D'Almeida lands in Ceylon A.D. i5o5.