The globalization of technocapitalism depends on a new kind of corporatism. The new corporate organizations spawned by technocapitalism are deeply grounded in technology and science through research creativity a resource that is at the core of this new version of capitalism. Codified knowledge accumulation is of importance to the new corporatism, particularly when combined with tacit knowledge. Much as industrial capitalism depended on capital accumulation, the new corporatism depends greatly on the new accumulation modes discussed earlier. Emerging sectors spawned by technocapitalism provide the best examples of the new corporatism. Companies in biotechnology, nanotechnology, bioinformatics and biorobotics, among other new sectors, embody this form of corporatism. Globalization affects this form of corporatism in myriad ways. Among them, for example, is the global character of external networks needed to reproduce creativity, which are largely outside corporate control. Creative talent needs to be searched for on a worldwide basis, by tapping brain-drain flows, establishing branch operations, or by outsourcing some research activities.