A Christian convert, Rammohun Roy gravitated toward Unitarianism, which he found compatible with his desire for a socially harmonious, egalitarian relationship between England and India. A survey of Martineau's writing on India in the Daily News shows that, years prior to 1857, she had been voicing concerns that proved to be major factors in the Indian Rebellion. Fugitive Anglo-Indian women and children evoke both sympathy and animosity; "the sacred sufferers" must be brought home, for their own good and to prevent further distraction to the army. The Company's financial difficulties were implicated in Britain's perpetual war expenditures and resulting economic depressions, including the American Revolution, the Napoleonic Wars, and the cost of maintaining an Indian army to protect Company interests. True of Egypt and sub-Saharan Africa, the alternative cotton source provided by India, transported by steam launches from remote regions to manufacturing districts, influenced the timing and events of the Civil War by subverting Britain's dependency on the American product.