This chapter explores the ideas and meanings to participants and society-at-large. During processes of change, people in the Maiyah religious movement are reformulating and reconfiguring both schemata and models, involving analogies, metaphors and other symbolic elements. The chapter discusses the relevance of Revitalization movement to rethinking the dynamics of routinization and communitas and to processes of equalization in which Revitalization movement is deeply entrenched. In the deep, heart-felt selawat and zikr segments of Maiyah pengajian events, prior to the open dialogues which draw on akal, participants find a space in which they can feel free or released from their many worldly problems, a joyous space of communitas. Several transformative models of political, economic, social and cultural life contest and re-synthesize pre-existing models in these domains bringing the lively and inventive spirit of communitas into areas usually reserved for hierarchical social relations.