As Jaqueline turned 21 she also abandoned her youthful flirtation with fascism and became active in the right wing of the Conservative Party. Sir William Bull advised Jaqueline, early in 1929 amidst rising unemployment, to leave her job, where as the sole surveyor/designer/draftsman she felt overworked and underpaid. He supported her in this move by hiring her to run the office of the Imperial Society of Knights Bachelor, a charitable organization he directed. Bull's "conservative socialism" provided a precedent for the ideas of a group of Young Tory progressives anxious to provide their party with a constructive alternative to socialism. Meanwhile the Week End Review (WER) plan inspired the creation of Political and Economic Planning (PEP), which was organized in March 1931. Jaqueline was hired to help organize and run the new central administrative office that was created to coordinate the myriad activities. She worked in a modern building designed by the Swiss-born American architect William Lescaze.