This chapter explains that communication is organised into primary frameworks, which give an understanding to both parties about what is being said, why and how. Given that each strip is nuanced, when coming across a strip that fails to fit the framework, there is a shift in consciousness. Some of these strips occur immediately on entry of the fraudster into the organisation. A most interesting aspect of these strips is that the fraudsters themselves can become sloppy in their fraud activities. For the Likeable Fraudster the strips were more inclined to be emotion-based incongruities, such as racial intolerance and moodiness. For the fraudsters themselves it was reported that there was an increase in risky behaviours including fights in public houses or taverns, increasing rates of absenteeism and taking higher amounts out of the business's funds. Morality is more detectable with non-fraudster executives, whereas authenticity is more noticeable in fraudster managers.