This chapter shows how the theoretical understanding of publicness as a dual nature concept was translated into a mixed methods approach for assessing public places. It focuses on the creation of the Star Model of Publicness and highlights the issues related to the fieldwork. With respect to the first dimension of publicness, Ownership, it has been decided to encapsulate it in only one indicator, Ownership status. Four indicators were selected for measuring the macro-design of site: Crossings, Public walkways, Cycle routes and Fences, all showing how well the public place is connected to the surrounding urban environment. When choosing the indicators for the control dimension, four elements were decided upon: Control technology CCTV cameras, Control presence private guards, Control by design Sadistic street furniture and Control signage. The chapter presents the thought process and the stages that led to the creation of the Star Model of Publicness, a new method to calculate and graphically represent publicness as a cultural reality.