This chapter discusses how Italian social movement groups attempted to move beyond the atomisation characterising precarious labour and to engage in a process of social and political recomposition related to precarity. It looks at the meso-level of collective action to analyse the formation of political subjectivities with regard to the spaces of struggles and the places of work, the mobilisation of resources, the implementation of repertoires of contention and the creation of political discourses in protests against precarity. In the Serpica Naro fashion show, Euro Mayday Parade and Reddito per Tutt* case studies the expression social precarity was used to highlight that precarity concerned various aspects of existence: affection, mobility, knowledge and income. The chapter discusses how social movement groups struggling against precarity mobilised outside the institutional channels of political representations in Italy. It shows that demonstrations, strikes, rallies, occupations and other contentious performances take place at the public level.