MAMA CIUACO, mother of Inga Roca, took heed of all that her son was arranging, and she was filled with wonder by his great talents. She saw that vice was in force and that it was applauded by the people, and that it was ignored by Inga Roca, so she addressed to him tender chidings because of his negligence. He satisfied her that the delay had been a warning, and that she would soon see what he had arranged as a remedy for the situation. He called to consult with him the most favoured and courageous men, whom he had chosen as his councillors, and told them that he had express orders to marry, so as to assure the succession, for his father, the Sun, commanded him to marry so as to increase the living and replace those destroyed by plagues and famines in the past. And all the rest were to do the same, after his example, under the severest penalties in case of failure, and on pain of losing the human seed. (He told them) that he had assembled them in order, with their approval, to take a wife, and that it was his wish to choose his sister Mama Cura, because thus the descent from the Sun would be most certain. But Inga Roca would not have done so had it not been for the fact that his sister had overheard the whole falsehood, and by making her queen he would oblige her to keep silence. All the members of the council approved the choice. They went to the house of Mama Ciuaco, and told her that they had come for her daughter, and, when all the people of the city were assembled, she (Mama

Cura) was borne to the temple, where Inga Roca received her, and thence he took her to the royal houses.