Transnational Organized Crime and Trafficking of Humans in General Every year, millions of people, especially women and children become the victims of human trafficking. While Turkey's east and south-east are mountainous areas, the rest of Turkey is surrounded by seas which provide a perfect setting for transnational organized crime, especially for the trafficking of human beings. Organized crime threatens human rights, the rule of law and the democratic system. The money generated from organized crime often circulates through the same channels as money concealed from taxation authorities. Both preventive methods and controlling methods should be used to combat organized crime. It is not possible to combat organized crime without international cooperation. One effective way to combat organized crime is to amend and refine the criminal law in response to organized criminal activities. Economic and sexual slavery is a profitable activity for transnational criminal organizations like the Yakuza and Mafia. These organizations make a yearly profit of 7 billion dollars.