This chapter concerns people's access to land in an urban context, and discusses some of the spatial dimensions involved and negotiated in processes of urbanization. It outlines the way in which the differentiation and hierarchization of space in the Peruvian context seem to be reproduced in processes of urbanization. The neighbourhood associations are led by an elected committee or central assembly supposed to meet every two weeks to a month. Once or twice each year they hold a General Assembly of all the residents. Their primary responsibility is to obtain and realize obras. The presidency of Fujimori, a new state institution was created to take care of the registration and formalization of previously occupied land as well as non-formalized housing and economic activity, the Comisin de Formalizacin de la Propiedad Informal (COFOPRI). Due to their efforts in establishing the neighbourhood, the original occupants in Jerusaln are still looked upon with certain respect among more recent inhabitants.