This introduction presents an overview of key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book links the concepts of Obstructive Marketing, Asymmetric Warfare and Asymmetric Obstructive Marketing. It attempts to look at how modern marketing and warfare have become intertwined in a manner that would be foreign to the original international marketers and globalisation gurus. It explores some of the issues in more detail. The book introduces risk management is important because it prevents Obstructive Marketing attacks if managed correctly. It presents the concept of Asymmetric Warfare. The book examines the various military doctrines related to Asymmetric Warfare and suggests why this form of warfare may have a present and future impact on organisations. It demonstrates the increasing influence of Sovereign Wealth Funds in the global economy. The book suggests specific ways in which Obstructive Marketing can be prevented, and describes how such a preventative model might look.