IN view of the temperance, discussed in the previous chapter, which Starkather was able to add 1 fitly as a bond to his other virtues, all those who study the labours of the heathen recognize that his merits would have been even more illustrious had he been as near a neighbour to the teaching of Christ as he was to His birth. 2 However, he lived through the life-spans of three men, a brave and unconquered champion, endowed with an extraordinary and incredible courage, of stature far above that of ordinary human beings, displaying a gigantic bulk, yet with a tough strength and resolution of mind that corresponded to the size of his body, so that people reckoned there was no mortal to surpass him in valour and virtues. His glory was so widely spread abroad that the great fame of his deeds and name have lasted to this very day, for in all the northern kingdoms and those bordering on them he won the most brilliant memorials. https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781315598758/240f65d0-e362-4830-b834-b70852cccccf/content/pg237_1.tif"/>

Starkather at time of Christ’s birth Most valiant, he lived through three generations His bravery corresponded to size of his body