AMONG the Bothnian people of the North wizards and magicians were found everywhere, as if it were their particular home. 1 By their immense skill in deceiving the eye they knew well how to disguise their own and other persons’ countenances with different appearances, and to render their true features unrecognizable by means of deceptive shapes. 2 Not only champion fighters but women and delicate virgins would at a wish borrow from the thin air masks that were horrifying in their livid foulness and faces marked with a pallor not their own; then again they would dispel the mist of cloud that had overshadowed them and dissipate the darkness that had extended before their faces, to make them bright and clear once more. 2 It is well established that there was such great force in their charms that, however far away a thing might be and however intricate the knots with which it was trussed up, they made it visible and ready to hand. 3

Northern magicians

Champions Women

Huge force of charms