This chapter began with a sociological conundrum: the juxtaposition of killing and care, of death and delight, in the way presenting children with affective lures alongside the corpses of other animals in happy meals and other fast foodanimal movie tie ins. It attempts to unravel, or at least begin to unravel, the conundrum and examines the practices and discourses that make it possible. Death and delight combo depends on the ceaseless extermination of other animals, the wreckage of the environment that humans share with other animals and the price of human pain paid through hunger and chronic disease: a zooicidal imperative with suicidal and global consequences, especially given increasing consumption of animal products globally and the associated export of the meat and dairy-heavy SAD. The anthroparchal practices and discourses explored in the chapter has focused on the UK, albeit unavoidably linked with a broader Western and especially US-dominated anthroparchal culture, through Hollywood film, US fast food, etc.