This chapter discusses the stories that draw out socio-criminological themes pertaining to theoretical conceptualisations of: masking as a dramaturgical device, the criminological theory of labelling, representations, and parental ownership in the social and symbolic sense. The broader message to take away from the stories is about to read is this: these are very tragic stories of children whose deaths could have been, very possibly, and prevented by an intervention. The fact that the children's voices are silent and their presences nearly invisible is a reflection of a reality for some, in which children's lives matter little. Horace Faulkner's story is about the repercussions, and nature, of vengeful domestic violence. The Department of Community Services was aware of the domestic violence history between Horace and Melissa, as there were three notifications lodged in the third year of their marriage. Horace's story is an illustration of the concept of parental ownership, in a symbolic and social sense.