This chapter looks at the broad overall types of property performance audits. Distinctions between the types of audit approaches identified is somewhat artificial, as most audit approaches contain different elements of each, and use a myriad of different techniques to understand the audit question posed. A straightforward performance audit also assumes a lack of obstruction and with clear client objectives. Forensic audits, or audits performed in a hostile contract environment, are the diametrical opposite of straightforward performance/compliance audit. The International Association of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) defines forensic auditing as: the application of auditing skills to situations that have legal consequences. Partnering audits are audits that are constructed knowing that client/contractor relations are strong, and where the two generally work together as a coordinated team. Modular audits can limit management input into the process, and provide a reasonable amount of assurance to the management team that public funds are being spent appropriately as all business critical documents are in place.