This chapter presents simplicity itself as a further frontier of quality of life for individuals. At the simplest level, sustainability is merely one dimension of the High End. In addition, sustainability is the most stimulating area where High End business leaders could find opportunities to leapfrog the 'luxury establishment' and to beat luxury brands at their own game of sophisticated aspiration. The Philips Design vision of environmental, social, personal sustainability offers a framework to understand and take advantage of the sustainability challenges. Paradoxically, simplicity is not simple to pin down. For example, it is not, by default, over-simplification. Through design, simplicity can be much more than just the reduction of complexity. The personal and simple customer reacts strongly to messages about simplicity. The sensitive customer reacts strongly to anything related to environmental and social issues. By addressing the global ecological concerns for the environment, Lexus pushed into the forefront of public opinion thanks to the quick adoption of hybrid.