New urban regions are emerging, with diffused wealth translated into aspiration. The emerging Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) economies now experience exploding demand for luxury, and specifically luxury compatible with their more traditional cultures. The demand from these new customers challenges markets to satisfy their desire for both super-premium products and their more reachable counterpart, the affordable and reachable High End. For those who were not exposed to the tricks of college students, the Cliff Notes are a legend when it comes to a quick study for a course. In the High End of aspiration you encounter yet another replay of that ever present 'tug-of-war' between emotions and price differs from commodities, where the rational side, homo economicus, settles for a trade-off between what's being gotten and in turn what's being paid. To understand High End pricing, Peter Sosnkowski created an index ratio he calls IVA or Image Value Added.