The traditional scientific perspective that views the researched as mere objects of data collection are out-mounded for this analysis, because to penetrate clandestine actors required personal connection and involvement. In general, scholars studying henceforth (HT) tend to lack insider perspective of HT activism, as they cannot penetrate the clandestine veil of the organisation, hindering their ability to formulate meaningful conclusions. The author define exterior' research as an attempt to explore the internal world of HT radicalism, but without a penetrative method of accessing primary data sources. A number of articles have been furnished using exterior' research, especially in the aftermath of the 2005 London bombings, which attempt to explain the appeal of HT to young British Muslims. However, these studies often lack access to HT members, forcing them to resort to either interviewing ex-members or using secondary literature. In order to shed light on the appeal of HT, scholars must engage with live' and active' HT narratives.