To the right honorable the Lorde Burghley, L ord Treasurer o f England.

I n most humble wise beseecheth your honorable lordship your humble suppliauntes, the Companie of Merchauntes tradinge Russia, that, whereas there was latelie graunted unto us by the Emperor of Russia, at her Majesties requeste, a newe priveledge of trafíique into all the dominions of the Emperor, which graunte was latelie brought hither by one Hierome Horsey, together with letteres from the said Emperor and the Lord Boris Fedorowich Gordinoe [Godunow] to her Majestie ; and whereas, by the meanes of the said Hierom Horssey, used to her Majestie at his last beinge here, by pretence of commission given him in that behaulfe by the Empresse of Russia (which, indede, seemeth to be but a mere surmise), her Majestie sente over a midwiefe to the said Emperesse ; which midwief, by practise of the said Hierom Horssey, was keapte a whole yeare in the countrie of Russia and nowe sente over againe, beinge never suffered to come neare the citie of Musko, where the Emperor altogether abideth, nor the said Empresse made privie of anie suche woman commended from her Majestie ; whereuppon

the said midwieff hath exhibited a complainte to the Queene, uppon which complainte it pleased her Majestie to committe the examininge and reporte of this matter to one of the Masters of the Requestes. But soe it is, right honorable, that the said Hierom Horssey, ether fealinge the guilt of his owne conscience in the thinge wherein he is accused, or otherwise fearinge the aunswcringe of matters betwen the companie and him (tendinge to this effect, that he hath bene not onlie a principali worker and mover of all the troubles and disgraces that have fallen uppon the companie, and of the heynous complainte made by the Emperor to her Majestie againste her subjectes in his letters first brought over to her highnes by the said Hierom Horssey, but alsoe was indebted unto us by manie lewde practises in greate sommes of monie) is secretlie nowe departed and gone out of the realme, and, as yt is to be suspected, hathe taken his jorney towardes Russia, where noe doubte he will put in use all suche practises and devises wherein he can by anie meanes prevaile to disturbe the companie and trade. In respect whereof, and for the avoidinge of all occasion which by his malice may be put in uze, ether by him or his confederates, for the breach or hinderaunce of the leage newlie begonne betwene her Majestie and the said Emperor, or for the disturbinge of the trade,—it may please your honorable lordship, in the behaulfe of the companie, to be a meane to her Majestie that letters of thankefulnes may with all convenient speede be devised, acknowledginge the Emperors great love and favour used to her subjectes for her sake, together with some advertisement of the manner of the said Hierom Horsseys departure in contempte of her highnes. And your lordships said suppliauntes shall be further bounde to praye to God longe to preserve your right honorable estate. [1588.]

M atters to be conteyned in her M ajesties letteres to be wrytten to the Emperor o f R ussia , in the behaulfe o f the companie o f merchauntes tradinge those partes .