This chapter considers messages the shopper should be sent in-store or on the website and covers promotions, including price promotions, in order to not overwhelm reader about what can be done in-store. A bricks and mortar outlet has many ways to transmit messages to shopper; on the walls, floor, ceilings, entrances, on doors, on security gates, on stairs even on steps, on escalators and lifts in toilets/restrooms. The messages here need to be consistent with the activity on the way to the store or website and highlight any 'on the way to the store' promotion that might have been carried out through relationship marketing, social media activity or Excess Share of Voice (ESOV) achievement. For food and household goods they reported that e-shopping is a fundamentally different experience from offline shopping. This affects shopper behaviours and purchase patterns. There is a different relationship between the shopper and the retailer in-store and online grocery shopping is more functional than offline shopping.