This chapter presents the findings from an on-road study that involved using the Event Analysis of Systemic Teamwork (EAST) to analyse intersection ‘systems’, comprising different road users (e.g. drivers, riders, cyclists and pedestrians), vehicles and the road environment. The aims were to examine in-depth Distributed Situation Awareness (DSA) at intersections and to identify the factors underpinning conflicts between different road users to inform the development of new, more holistic, intersection designs that are appropriate for all road users. The findings show that, even when faced with the same intersection and right-hand turn task, the goals and tasks, interactions and information used by road users are different. The analysis confirms the requirement for road design to take a systems perspective in which the DSA of the intersection system is considered, rather than the Situation Awareness (SA) requirements of one road user group alone. It is concluded that intersection design should be based on an appreciation of the diverse SA requirements of different end users.