The social disorganization systematically created and maintained by laissez-faire capitalism is more obvious in some places than it is in others. Social disorganization maximizes one's ability to create, and take advantage of, entrepreneurial opportunities, as described above in the work of economic hit men (EHM) and the implementation of the shock doctrine. While the nation-states and communities have not been completely successful at avoiding capitalism, they have managed to resist laissez-faire capitalism sufficiently to mitigate the deliberate social disorganization that allows laissez-faire capitalism to thrive. Thus, we see that the relationship between social disorganization and laissez-faire capitalism is a reciprocal one. Laissez-faire capitalism systematically creates social disorganization and social disorganization provides the optimum environment within which laissez-faire capitalism can expand. This chapter talks about consolidated media that are embedded in the global corporate power structure and have become the lapdog press to agendas of inequality, globalization, militarism and empire.