Because some curious reader, seeing at the beginning of the book that I had gone to China, might like to know the reason which induced me to go there (as some persons have told me) it seemed good to me not to leave him in suspense, but to satisfy him in part straightway in the beginning of the book. Know then that I, being in Malacca building an house of my Order, and preaching, was informed that in the kingdom of Camboja (which is subject to the King of Siam, and lieth toward the parts of China, and doth confine with Champa, 1 whence cometh the most precious Calambuco, or Calambach as they call it 2 ) was great opportunity to preach the Gospel, and to reap some fruit. And the information was such, that although everyone in Malacca was opposed to my going, working to prevent my departure in every way they could, yet my conscience forbade me from failing to undertake the journey thither, for it seemed to me that I would be guilty of a grave sin if I failed to do it, having leave of my prelate as I did, and so I took the journey in hand.