The promptness and readiness wherewith the Louthias are served, and how feared they are, cannot be written with the pen, nor expressed with the tongue, but it must be seen with the eye for to know what it is. All obey their orders and serve them running and with great speed, not only the scriveners and Serjeants, and other ministers, but also the inferior Louthias to the superior. Whereby all the ministers in the houses of the Louthias are plastered or marked with the stripes, so that already among themselves they hold it a disgrace not to be marked with the stripes, because it is a thing generally common among them. The people as they come in do place themselves on the sides, the middest between the instruments remaining void, whereby the Louthia passeth. Before the Louthias go commonly many inferior Louthias, of those that carry maces when they go abroad.