This chapter explores the everyday dimensions of transitions in household end-use technologies in Southeast Asia, drawing on empirical data from the four case studies introduced in the previous chapter. The aim is to show how energy trajectories are related to assets and equity of households, the uptake of different technologies, and what these changes mean for the everyday lives and experiences of modernity in the four case studies. Thus, while Chapter 3 adopted a largely national perspective, and Chapter 4 a village perspective, this chapter focuses on villages, households and individuals. Moreover, in contrast to the previous chapter, which discussed the case studies in sequence, this chapter will treat the case studies in parallel to draw out the different issues and dimensions. Whereas there are some comparative elements in the four case studies, the main aim is to highlight the different aspects of energy transitions in everyday life rather than simply compare the four cases. Importantly, this chapter identifies trends and demonstrates contingency rather than providing exact answers. Therefore, many of the processes and arguments carry beyond the borders of the case studies and are relevant to other parts of Southeast Asia.