The British counted on Soviet support in order to obtain a mass anti-German front' in Bulgaria. The British also suspected that the Bulgarians counted on the Soviets to restrain Anglo-American vindictiveness on behalf of their Greek and Yugoslav allies earlier reports from Bulgaria had tended to confirm the second reason and a corresponding need for increased attention and reassurance by Britain. Related to Russophilia was the theme of Slav solidarity, which was considered conducive to another British objective that is Bulgaria's eventual reconciliation with her neighbours. As part of effort to avert Bulgarian participation in the alleged German plans, the PWE plan of January 1942 called attention to the pro-Turkish Bulgarian Moslems, though it is not clear how this was reflected in propaganda. At first, it was projected as an opportunity for Bulgaria to change course. In addition to bringing war on Bulgarian soil, a long period of passivity might result in the elimination of all the more courageous elements.