In the midst of all the words written by Su-un in two languages in his two volumes of scripture and of all the books and scholarly articles written over a century and half in many languages about Su-un, Donghak, the Donghak Peasant Rebellion, and Cheondo-gyo. This symbol, a mystical talisman, is located at the heart of all that Su-un taught and believed, and within it lies the key to understanding his relationship with the Lord of Heaven and everything that flowed from this intimate bond. Su-un's spirit guide does not explain the nature of this destiny. Nor does he explain the meaning of gung gung to Su-un; but, by implication, this must have to do with the heavenly fortune which is about to return. And the keys to understanding this heavenly fortune are the symbols gung eul, which form the shape of the mystical talisman, the Yeongbu.