In the first half of the 15th century, Ethiopians and Europeans peered at the horizon over the Arab world as ambassadors, pilgrims, traders, and adventurers weaved the canvas of the encounter throughout the Central and Eastern Mediterranean. It also acknowledged unequivocally Henrique's relentless dedication to exploring the Atlantic and supporting proselytism, with language that underlines the very essence of early modern European imagination about the overseas. People could have come to the attention of the Avis and be offered the opportunity to become involved with the quest for the Prester. Years later, another Gomes, one Ferno, acquired license that warranted him exclusive exploratory rights for the following five years in exchange for the obligation of exploring 100 leagues of coast every year, which helped mapmakers fill several centimeters of blank paper. A Florentine merchant residing in Lisbon at the time of Gama's return, Sernigi quickly reported news of the enterprise to an acquaintance probably a fellow trader in his hometown.