The Corporate Psychopath is typically a combination of Charlatan, Casanova and Achiever. The Australian psychologist John Clarke describes the fraudster personality as erratic and sometimes even cruel. The chapter talks about the 'Corporate Psychopath', business leaders with a specific personality disorder that also resembles narcissism. Psychologists such as Lars-Olof Tunbra and Ingrid Skinner, both from Sweden, have important things to tell us about how people within the same environment allow the narcissist to take over their worldview, including the idea that the narcissist is free of guilt or any other form of flaws. A rational focus on achieving business goals can go too far. Some managers be lose grip of everyday moral rules in favour of what the American business ethicist Kenneth Goodpaster described as 'an unbalanced pursuit of purpose' or 'teleopathy'. The cure for teleopathy, according to Goodpaster who coined the word, is not to move from the frying pan to the fire by being unfocused, irrational and emotional.