Marilyn McCord Adams presents a distinctive approach to salvation in Christ relative to the defeat of horrors. Adams is an Episcopal priest. She extends this statement to urge that 'meaning is the issue and horrorsare the problem'. Adams explains the destructive power of horrendous evils reaches beyond the actual pain or deprivation they cause 'into the deep structure of the person's frameworks of meaning-making, seemingly to defeat the individual's value as a person, to degrade him/her to subhuman status. Adams notes Nazi death camps 'aimed, not merely to kill, but to dehumanize their victims, treating them worse than cattle to break down their personalities and reduce their social instincts to aggression and self-preservation. She admits that in her earlier book, Horrendous Evils, and even in the earlier part of Christ and Horrors. Adams states that human vulnerability cannot be dated from the disobedience of Adam and Eve. Human beings were radically vulnerable from the beginning.