FURTHER in advance along the coast is the Kingdom of Cochin, in which there is much pepper which grows throughout the land on trees like unto ivy, and it climbs on other trees and on palms, also on trellises to a great extent. The pepper grows on these trees in bunches. Here also grows very much fine belide 2 ginger, cardamoms, myrobalans, canafistula,3 zerumba, zedoary 4 wild cinnamon.1 This Kingdom possesses a very large and excellent river,2 which here comes forth to the sea by which come in great ships of Moors and Christians. who trade with this Kingdom. On the banks of this river is a city of the Moors natives of the land, wherein also dwell Heathen Chatims, and great merchants. They have many ships and trade with Charamandel, the great Kingdom of Cambaia, Dabul, and Chaut in areca (great store), cocos, pepper, jagara, and palm sugar. At the mouth of the river the King our Lord possesses a very fine fortress, which is a large settlement of Portuguese and Christians, natives of the land, who became Christians after the establishment of our fortress. And every day also other Christian Indians who have remained from the teaching of the Blessed Saint Thomas come there also from Coilam 3 and other places. In this fort and settlement of Cochim 4 the King our Lord carries out the repairs of his ships, and other new ships are built, both galleys and caravels in as great perfection as on the Lisbon strand. Great store of pepper is here taken on board, also many other kinds of spices, and drugs which come from Malacca, and are taken hence every year to Portugal. The King of Cochim has a very small country and was not a King before the Portuguese discovered India, for all the Kings who had of late reigned in Calecut had held it for their practice and rule to invade Cochim and drive the King out of his estate, taking themselves possession thereof,1 thereafter, according as their pleasure was, they would give it back to him or not. The King of Cochim gave him every year a certain number of elephants, but he might not strike coins, nor roof his palace with tiles under pain of losing his land. Now that the King our Lord has discovered India he has made the King independent and powerful in his own land, so that none can interfere with it, and he strikes whatsoever money he will.