And when they had sailed, the Lord King of Mallorca landed, the barons and richs homens mounted and went to the palace where they found the Lord King was still in the chamber with the two Infantes who remained with him, namely the Infante En Alfonso and the Infante En Pedro. And when the Lord King knew that the Lord King of Mallorca and the counts and the barons had come, he went out of the chamber and the trumpets sounded and they went to dinner. And all endeavoured to make entertainment and diversion to cheer the Lord King and the Infantes. And when they had dined, they left the table and remained in the other saloon where came juglars1 of diverse sorts who cheered them. What shall I tell you ? That day they spent thus. And I must cease to speak to you of him and must speak to you again of my Lady the Queen and of the Infantes and of their fleet.